10 Banned Dog Breeds to Avoid

The dog breeds on this list are so dangerous that owning them is banned in some countries.

Oct 8, 2023byJill Horton

banned dog breeds to avoid

Dogs are lovable. We invite them into our homes and welcome them as honorary members of our families. However, the breeds on this list are illegal to own in some countries. Read on to discover why a ban exists for these ten types of dogs around the globe.

10. Fila Brasileiro

fila brasileiro dog breed

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Brazilian plantation owners and cattle herders bred the fearsome Fila Brasileiro to track and capture jaguars and other large prey animals. Once this rare guardian catches a predator, it will sit on the animal until its caretaker arrives. Although the exact origin of this giant is uncertain, the Fila Brasileiro shares traits with the Mastiff, the Bloodhound, and an ancient bulldog breed.

Due to the size, strength, tenacity, and high prey drive of the Fila Brasileiro, many countries outlawed its ownership. Other countries banned its importation. Handlers must use extreme caution as this breed has a highly dominant and focused personality.

9. Mastino Napoletano

mastino napoletano neapolitan mastiff dog breed

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The Mastino Napoletano, or Neapolitan Mastiff, has an impressive size and family tree. Assyrian-Babylonian Molossians, an extinct breed, were among the original war dogs. Records of Egyptian, Greek, and Persian armies working with the Molossus date back to 300 BC.

So, it’s easy to imagine why this Italian variety made the list of today’s banned breeds. They are among the world’s heaviest dog breeds, weighing 150 pounds and up, prone to aggression and temperamental behavior. Without proper dog training, the Mastino Napoletano is a force to be reckoned with.

8. Dogo Argentino

dogo argentino dog breed

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Antonio Nores Martinez developed the Dogo Argentino throughout the 1920s in Argentina. Ten different breeds were used during that period to create a fighting dog that was nearly unbeatable in the arena. Martinez also selected those that possessed traits dominant amongst pack-style big-game hunters. The result was highly effective for designing a dog with lethal potential.

Intense training and socialization from the first few months of life are essential. Owners must exercise extreme caution to avoid raising two of the same sex near each other or along with small animals. This newer breed possesses high intelligence, speed, power, and enhanced athleticism overall.

7. Tosa Inu

tosa inu dog breed running

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Originally used as a fighting dog, the Tosa Inu is the largest Japanese dog breed. Although the pit activity was prevalent throughout the 1920s and 1930s, Tosa-Kens, another of its names, is considered rare today. Their combined ancestry created a variety that is aggressive towards other animals that run.

This sturdy dog typically weighs 130 to 200 pounds and stands 24 to 32 inches tall at the shoulders. In its home country, the Tosa Inu is nicknamed the “Sumo wrestler of the dog world.” These strong, dominant, independent canines require an incredibly experienced handler.

6. Presa Canario

presa canario dog breed

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This Spanish catch dog, the Presa Canario, has a bite force of 540 PSI. It is also one of the most aggressive and dangerous dog breeds, responsible for somefataldog bites reported in the news.

This mastiff from the Canary Islands became close toextinctionby the 1960s. It is still used as a guard dog or cattle herder today. Spanish conquistadors brought the Presa Canario to the Canary Islands during the 15th century. This distinguished breed joined the official list for its national symbols in 1991. The Presa Canario represents the island of Gran Canaria.

5. Boerboel

boerboel dog breed aggressive

Image credit:Jan Steiner on Pixaby

The Boerboel is another more recent type of dog. This South African crossbreed of mastiffs and bulldogs originated around the 1950s. Farmers used them as protection from wild animals that threatened their families and homes. Once a Boerboel is triggered, it does not easily disengage.

This breed weighs between 150 and 200 pounds on average. It is highly territorial and possesses incredible strength. Those traits and the Boerboel’s naturally aggressive and wary nature make it highly dangerous. Intense obedience training from a young age is a requirement.

4. Cane Corso

cane corso dog breed

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The Cane Corso is quite intelligent and requires a considerable amount of enrichment. It is a fast and agile breed with a risk factor for causing severe injury or death to smaller animals. Only an experienced trainer should handle this type due to the Cane Corso’s independent streak and dominant personality.

This Italian mastiff breed is a fighter, hunter, and guard dog. Cane Corso means bodyguard-dog in Latin. At 23 to 28 inches tall and weighing between 88 and 110 pounds, it commands an imposing presence, too.

3. Bandog

bandog bandogge mastiff dog breed

Image credit:Šárka Jonášová on Pixabay

Around 1250, this guardian was chained up, or “banded,” in Middle England until nightfall. In the darkness, this colossal dog roamed freely. Bulldogs, hounds, mastiffs, and shepherds were crossbred to create the original Bandogs.

Today, it is rare to find one. In modern times, breeders have experimented with mixing different types of pit bulls, terriers, and mastiffs. The results can lead to unpredictable temperament and inconsistent traits across those considered a Bandog.

2. Wolfdog

wolfdog wolf dog hybrid dog breed

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Part wolf, part dog, the Wolfdog has unpredictable behavioral characteristics. Physically, this breed is often larger than either of its parents. A Wolfdog also has the potential for more prominent canines, greater strength and endurance, and a higher prey drive. Adults should always supervise small children and animals with one.

Ownership laws vary significantly within different countries and states. Some completely ban Wolfdogs while others classify them as domesticated dogs. Others consider them wild animals and require special permits to own this breed.

1. Gull Dong

gull dong rare pakistani indian fighting dog breed

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The mighty Gull Dong can take on a bear and win. Also called the Pakistani Bull Dog, this breed stands close to three feet tall and weighs 200 pounds and above. The Gull Dong is known for its keen ability to hunt and fight.

Speed, aggression, tenacity, and agility give it an edge. Bully Kuttas and Indian Terriers are the base breeds for this especially rare dog. The Gull Dong is predominantly found in its home countries of India and Pakistan.

Jill Horton
byJill Horton

Jill is a rescue animal advocate and volunteer at Free to Live Animal Sanctuary. Her social media posts contain adoptable dogs and cats from there. Dogs Lucius and Colossus, cats Moses and Maximus, and four parakeets keep her on her toes at home. If you need help finding Jill, check her writing cave. She is likely typing away on her newest article or animal-themed children's book.