5 Designer Dogs Taking the World by Storm

It doesn’t take a scientist to know that some designer dog breeds are more popular than others. Poodle mixes are among the leading ones. Yet, others are surging in popularity.

Jun 15, 2024byColt Dodd

designer dog breeds taking the world by storm

Mixed-breed dogs have many monikers. Mongrels. Mutts. Now, some have a new name: designer dogs. These are mixed-breed canines bred specifically to isolate certain traits, from hypoallergenic coats to mild temperaments. Some popular designer dogs include goldendoodles, pomskies, and more. Here, one can learn all about these breeds––and perhaps even choose one that’s right for them.

1. Pomskies: Siberian Huskies Mixed with Pomeranians

pomsky designer dog

Image credit: Wikimedia Commons

Pomskies are Siberian husky/Pomeranian mixes. For seasoned dog owners, pomskies are the joy of a husky without the size. However, the key word here is “seasoned.” Huskies and Pomeranians are fiercely independent dogs, making them difficult to train. Huskies are also known as escape artists, making them prone to climbing chain link fences and otherwise breaking out of their crates. Some pomskies inherit these mischievous behaviors.

Here are some “stats” when it comes to these precocious pals:

  • Weight. On average, huskies weigh 50 to 60 pounds. Pomeranians weigh seven pounds. When these pets breed and create pomskies, they generally weigh around 35 pounds when fully grown.
  • Temperament. Pomskies are very loyal and generally prefer one person above all others. While playful and intelligent, they need socialization to avoid getting into skirmishes with other dogs.
  • Health problems. Pomskies are generally healthy. However, they can have dry skin because of their coats. They also need frequent teeth cleanings to promote good oral health.

While the American Kennel Club (AKC) does not recognize pomskies as purebred dogs, it has a program that allows owners to register their pets with the organization.

2. Cockapoos: Cocker Spaniel/Poodle Mixes

cocker spaniel mix

Image credit: Wikimedia Commons

Cockapoos are cocker spaniel/miniature poodle mixes. These little guys are affectionate, almost to a fault. They hate being alone for long periods, and they crave attention from family members, strangers––anyone, really. Their eagerness makes them good companions for other dogs, and they are low shedding.

Some fun facts include:

  • Weight. Want to bring these little guys on a plane? That shouldn’t be a problem. At most, cockapoos weigh just over 20 pounds.
  • Temperament. Cockapoos are the lovebugs of the designer dog world. They’re affectionate, patient, and friendly.
  • Health problems. Some older cockapoos can develop luxating patella. That’s when their kneecaps slip out of place. Treatment is fairly straightforward and depends on the dog’s age. Options include over-the-counter medications to surgery.

Cocker spaniels and miniature poodles are both known for their easy-going temperaments, making cockapoos great dogs for families with children.

3. Puggles: Pug and Beagle Mixes

designer dog puggle

Image credit: Wikimedia Commons

The dog community has long had mixed feelings about pugs. They are a brachycephalic breed––or, in layman’s terms, they have broad skulls with pushed-in noses. While cute, brachycephalic dogs often have trouble breathing, making them not ideal for dog owners looking for lithe, energic breeds. In comes the puggle.

Puggles are pug/beagle mixes. These little guys are known for their fun-loving personalities without the health concerns inherent in pugs. Here’s what to know about these medium-sized pals:

  • Weight. Puggles can weigh anywhere from 15 to 30 pounds. Their weight depends on their parents’ size.
  • Temperament. As noted, puggles are very social breeds that are amazing for families with small children. They’re friendly and love a good squeaky toy. Yet, their stubborn nature can make training difficult.
  • Health problems. Generally, puggles are healthy and can live well into adulthood without any problems. However, their kneecaps can slip out of place, and, just like their pug parents, they can sometimes have problems breathing, especially after getting the “zoomies.”

Puggles are a great alternative for dog lovers who favor French bulldogs but fear their health concerns.

4. Chorkie: Chihuahua/Yorkshire Terrier Mixes

chorkie dog mix

Image credit: Wikimedia Commons

The word “chorkie” doesn’t exactly roll off the tongue. Yet, these loveable, teacup-sized companions make up for it. Chorkies are chihuahua/yorkie mixes, and they’re perfect for carrying around in handbags or just in general. While intelligent and very trainable, chorkies can be stubborn and strong-spirited.

When adopting a chorkie, prospective dog parents should know about their:

  • Weight. Chorkies generally weigh less than 10 pounds––but make no mistake, they think they’re 100-pound guard dogs.
  • Temperament. Just like their parents, chorkies are feisty and love playtime. When properly introduced in homes with other dogs, these guys take charge, despite their size.
  • Health problems. Chorkies can pass the 10-year mark with no problems. However, they can suffer from dry skin, sometimes requiring regular baths and grooming.

5. Goldendoodles: Golden Retriever/Poodle Mixes

designer dog goldedoodle

Image credit: Wikimedia Commons

Goldendoodles seem like the best of both worlds. They have the loyal nature of a golden retriever and the non-shedding coat of a standard poodle. These designer breeds have been on the scene for a while. They were originally bred in the 1960s as guide dogs. Now, however, they’re a frequent sight at dog parks across the world.

Here’s what pooch parents need to know:

  • Weight. Make no mistake––goldendoodles can get big, hovering around 50 pounds. Their weight makes them ideal for owners with space for a medium-sized friend.
  • Temperament. Want a watchdog? Keep scrolling. Goldendoodles are too mild-mannered to effectively guard a home. Their loyalty and gentle nature make them perfect for homes with small children, though.
  • Health problems. Goldendoodles, like every dog breed, are prone to certain health problems. For instance, as they age, a goldendoodle can suffer from hip dysplasia, which may require surgical intervention. This can affect the dog’s mobility and comfort levels.

It almost seems like there’s a new poodle mix in the dog world every day. Aussiedoodles, pomapoos, and doxiepoos are also making a splash. Who knows what innovative breeds are on the horizon?

Colt Dodd
byColt Dodd

Colt Dodd is a sighthound enthusiast with three years of freelance writing experience. He has an Italian greyhound/Shetland sheepdog mix named Homer. In his spare time, he enjoys going to dog parks and writing fiction.