7 Hairless Animals That Look Unrecognizable

Discover seven hairless land animals that look entirely different from their fur-covered counterparts.

Jun 3, 2023byDonna Hobson

hairless animals that look unrecognizable

Hairless animals, like dogs and cats, are often the result of genetic mutations and can often have health issues due to the lack of insulation, irritated skin, and compromised immune systems. Still, not all hairless animals are ill – many marine species evolved without fur to streamline their bodies for better swimming. But it is rare to see hairless land-based animals.

This article will explore why some animals are born without fur or hair and how it affects their health. Discover why it is unethical to breed some hairless animals while others are the longest-living of their species on the planet!

Several Dog Breeds

Chinese Crested Hairless Dog Breed

Image Source: Chinese Crested Dog Breed: Everything You Need To Know (topdogresource.com)

Dogs come in all shapes and sizes, and many have fur. However, some breeds are naturally hairless, making them a popular choice for those who don’t want to deal with shedding. The Mexican Hairless, American Hairless Terrier, and Peruvian Hairless are all breeds lacking fur.

Chinese Crested dogs are a unique breed of small, almost hairless dogs. They are known for their distinct look, with fur only on their head, feet, and tail. They have an average height of 11-13 inches and weigh around 12 lbs. (some weigh as little as 5 lbs)

Some dogs are hairless because of genetic mutations, which humans then breed to create more hairless dogs; this is true for the American Hairless Terrier. However, other dogs, such as the Peruvian Inca Orchid, have been hairless for thousands of years. Almost all species of hairless dog originated in South America, including the Chinese Crested dog, which was so named for its role as a ratter on Chinese ships.

Sphynx Cat

Cat Sphynx hairless Kitten

Image Source: File:Cat Sphynx. Kittens. img 11.jpg – Wikimedia Commons

Sphynx Cats are a unique breed of cats that have become increasingly popular in recent years. They are (almost) hairless cats with wrinkled skin and large ears that give them a distinct and regal look. And it is this resemblance to the worshipped cats of ancient Egypt that gave them their name.

Sphynx cats are known for their friendly and loyal nature; they are also highly intelligent, making them a great companion. But they can be high-maintenance pets due to their unique needs (primarily centered around keeping warm and bathing to remove excess oils from the skin). To the naked eye, they appear to be completely bald, but if you stroke a Sphynx, you will notice that it does possess a soft downy fuzz that feels a bit like suede.

Skinny Pigs

skinny guinea pig baby hairless

Image Source: Hairless Guinea Pigs Are a New Pet Craze (treehugger.com)

Skinny Pigs are a unique guinea pig breed with almost no hair on their bodies. They look similar to other cavy breeds; the main difference is that they are almost entirely hairless. This makes them stand out from the crowd and gives them a unique appeal. These guinea pigs require more food than other breeds to maintain their optimum body temperature, as their lack of fur means they don’t have natural insulation against the cold. They also need soft, warm bedding to keep them cozy and warm.

Baldwin’s guinea pigs are a unique breed of hairless guinea pigs that have captivated the hearts of pet owners worldwide. They were first discovered by San Diego breeder Carol Miller, who noticed that some guinea pigs were born entirely hairless. These guinea pigs are born with fur, which falls out within a few days after birth.


babirusa hairless pig with giant teeth

Image Source: ArtStation – Babirusa

The Babirusa, Malay for “pig deer,” is an interesting species of wild pig that lives in the swamps and forests of the Indonesian islands. They have unique physical characteristics that make them stand out from other species of pigs, such as their teeth which grow straight through their snout. These animals are omnivores and eat anything they can find, including fruits, leaves, roots, and small mammals.

It’s worth noting that hairless Babirusa is just one of four species that complete this animal family – the others have longer coats in various colors such as white, cream, brown, and black.

Naked Mole Rat

naked mole rat

Image Source: The queen sets the tone: Deciphering the dialects of naked mole-rats (mongabay.com)

Naked mole rats are an unusual species of nearly hairless rodent that have adapted to living in African burrows. They have sensory whiskers that help them find their way around and locate food, and they live in groups of approximately 70 individuals who huddle together to stay warm.

Despite their struggle to maintain optimum body temperature in the hot, naked mole rats are the longest-living rodents known to science, with some individuals living up to 30 years – and that is not the only interesting thing about them – Naked mole rats can move their teeth independently, using them like a pair of chopsticks to pick up and eat food; they don’t drink water, gaining all of the moisture they need from a plant-based diet; and they can dig tunnels that are more than two-and-a-half mile long.

Hairless Syrian Hamster

hairless syrian hamster

Image Source: Hairless Hamsters – Care, Breeding, Feeding & Housing – Petstant

Hairless Syrian hamsters are a unique type of hamster that lack fur due to a genetic mutation. This does occur naturally, but some breeders purposely breed satin-coated hamsters to create this unique pet, which is widely regarded as inhumane.

Without the protection of their fur, their body must work harder to keep them warm, resulting in a shorter lifespan than their furry counterparts. In addition, these hairless creatures possess weaker immune systems, an increased likelihood of contracting cancer, and higher rates of dry skin; they need special care to meet their basic requirements. Many people argue that breeders should never breed to satin Syrian hamsters because it is unnatural, and the creatures would never survive in the wild.

Hairless Raccoon

hairless raccoon

Image Source: The mystery of Gizmo, the bald raccoon (today.com)

A hairless raccoon, also known as a bald raccoon, is not a breed of raccoon but is relatively common in the wild. This is due to the contraction of parasitic diseases such as mange and fungal infections, which can cause the hair to fall out. Hairless raccoons are found in many parts of North America and are often seen scavenging for food in urban areas. They are often mistaken for other animals, such as cats or possums, due to their unusual appearance.

Like other animals who aren’t naturally hairless, this can seriously impede the raccoon’s health and make survival in the wild much more difficult. And these creatures have fuelled the myth of the chupacabra – a monstrous animal who sucks the blood from livestock. But, since the first chupacabra sighting in 1995, every caught or killed “chupacabra” has turned out to be a hairless raccoon or dog.

Donna Hobson
byDonna Hobson

Donna believes that keeping a pet is the key to a happy life. Over the years, many creatures have passed through her home - Sooty the cat, Millie the rabbit, Stuart (Little) the guinea pig, and Trixie the tortoise, alongside her pet goldfish, Zippy, who lived to the grand old age of 24 years! She currently resides with her black kitten Jinx and an aquarium full of fish and snails to entrance them both. When she is not looking after her pets, Donna enjoys researching and writing the answers to all your pet-related wonders.