7 Rarest Animals in Florida

Learn about 7 rare animals found only in the state of Florida.

Oct 18, 2023byMichael C.
rarest animals florida

The state of Florida is home to many iconic animals, from alligators to manatees. Being a hotspot for many species, Florida is also home to some that are rare and endangered. Read on to learn about some of the rarest animals that call the Sunshine State home!

1. Florida Panther

panther resting on forest floor
Image credit: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

The Florida panther is an iconic population of the cougar that calls the wetlands of Southern Florida home. It has been listed in the Endangered Species Act in 1973, and it has also been labeled as Florida’s state mammal just a decade later. Though once considered a separate subspecies, this cat is now considered a population of the North American cougar.

Florida panther population shave drastically declined due to persecution and habitat destruction as humans have cleared the land for agricultural and residential use. The population plummeted to just around 20-30 individuals in the 1970s, but thanks to conservation efforts the number has increased to around 200 today. Roadkill mortalities are among the largest threats to panthers today, and inbreeding from genetic bottlenecks also pose a major risk.

2. Florida Scrub Jay

scrub jay on log pole
Image credit: Patrick J. Blake/Macaulay Library

The Florida scrub jay is a unique bird that can only be found in Florida’s scrublands. It was once seen as an isolated subspecies of the Western scrub jay but is now considered a species of its own. It is believed to have been isolated for around 2 million years, as rising sea levels have formed a barrier preventing jays from traveling through (the Gulf of Mexico was much lower back then, allowing the birds to colonize Florida).

This bird is threatened mainly by habitat loss, as scrublands are being cleared out for citrus farming and land development. Only around 5% of Florida’s natural scrub habitat remains, and there are around 8,000 birds left in the wild. As of 2023, this species is listed on the IUCN Red List as a Vulnerable species. Natural fires that control vegetation overgrowth in its habitat have been suppressed for decades, making their habitats much too dense and overgrown for scrub jays to use.

3. Key Deer

deer in habitat
Image credit: Averette/Wikimedia Commons

The Key deer is a unique subspecies of whitetail deer that is only found in the Florida Keys. It was once widespread throughout the lower islands but is now primarily found on Big Pine and a few other surrounding keys. Key deer originated from a population of whitetails that swam across the seas to reach the islands, then became isolated.

Only around 700-800 key deer remain today. Historically, they were over-hunted for their meat, but have since been protected. Today, poaching isn’t as much of an issue as habitat loss is, as land development destroys habitat and brings the animals closer to human proximity. This deer shows no fear towards humans, as it has no natural predators to look out for; this makes them susceptible to roadkill collisions and dog attacks.

4. Key Largo Woodrat

woodrat on forest floor
Image credit: The Wildlife Society Florida Chapter

The Key Largo woodrat is an endangered subspecies of eastern woodrat that can only be found in the northern portion of Key Largo. It is a tree-dwelling creature that requires a very specific habitat to survive tropical hardwood hammocks, which are dense forests that are rather widespread throughout southern Florida and the Keys.

Most of the Key Largo woodrat’s habitat has been destroyed for residential use, specifically the construction of condominiums. The rodents struggle to thrive in areas inhabited by humans, and by the 1990s, only 3 square miles of their habitat remained. Invasive black rats compete with woodrats, and feral cats pose a huge threat to woodrats.

5. Florida Grasshopper Sparrow

sparrow on ground
Image credit: Paul Thomas/Audubon Everglades

The Florida grasshopper sparrow is a subspecies of the grasshopper sparrow that is named for its vocalizations, which sound similar to a grasshopper’s chirps. It only lives in dry prairies throughout Central and South Florida. Unlike other grasshopper sparrow subspecies, the Florida grasshopper sparrow is non-migratory.

This subspecies is struggling heavily in the wild. Invasive fire ants attack and kill hatchlings. Habitat loss and climate change extremes also place further pressure on the sparrows. As with other endangered animals in Florida, the Florida grasshopper sparrow has very specific requirements to survive, such as sparse amounts of trees and ample open ground for foraging. Around 85% of this habitat has already been destroyed to make room for cattle grazing. It is believed that if nothing is done soon, the grasshopper sparrow will become extinct within the next 50 years or so.

6. Miami Blue

butterfly on plastic
Image credit: Jaret Daniels/Florida Museum of Natural History

The Miami blue is a subspecies of Thomas’s blue butterfly. While its relatives live down in the West Indies, the Miami blue is the only subspecies that lives in North America. Males are blue, while females sport a more grayish hue on their wings.

Just a few hundred years ago, the Miami blue’s range spanned from areas such as Tampa Bay and Daytona Beach down to the Florida Keys. Now, most of the population resides in Bahia Honda State Park, with vagrant individuals being reported in surrounding areas. Urbanization has destroyed the scrublands and tropical hammocks the Miami blue requires to thrive, and the intensive use of pesticides to control mosquito populations has also contributed to its decline. Due to this, it is now one of the rarest insects not just in Florida, but in all of North America.

7. Anastasia Island Beach Mouse

beach mouse in burrow
Image credit: Florida State Parks

The Anastasia Island beach mouse is a type of beach mouse that is only found in the dunes of Anastasia Island. Beach mice are in turn a group of subspecies of the Oldfield mouse that have adapted to living in dunes throughout the coastlines of the Southern United States.

The Anastasia Island beach mouse is one of the rarest beach mice subspecies. Once found in around 50 miles of habitat, its range has plummeted to around 4 miles. The dunes are considered valuable real estate properties, further decimating the dunes and in turn, shrinking the beach mouse’s habitat. Domestic dogs and cats also pose a risk as they’ll prey on relatively defenseless rodents. Intense tropical storms shift and alter the dunes, further adding pressure on the future survival of the beach mouse.

8. What you Can do to Help

panther being released from cage
Image credit: Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission

Though many animals in Floridaare at risk of becoming extinct, you can do your part to help safeguard their future. You can raise awareness of these endangered creatures among your friends and family. You can also support or donate to organizations working hard to protect Florida’s wildlife and the diverse array of habitats that they require to survive.

Michael C.
byMichael C.

Michael holds a BS degree in Fisheries and Wildlife from Michigan State University. He formerly worked at a pet store as an animal care associate and is the former president of the MSU Herpetological Society. Michael currently owns three snakes (a corn snake, a Kenyan sand boa, and a checkered garter snake) and a leopard gecko. Interests include almost anything animal-related. Michael enjoys drawing, gaming, and having fun in his free time.