7 Tips for Finding a Good Pet Sitter

Discover essential advice for finding a reliable pet sitter to keep your furry friend happy and secure in this blog. Put your pet in the best hands possible!

Feb 1, 2024byNikita Hillier
tips for finding good pet sitter

Leaving your pet in the care of another person requires a lot of trust and assurance. Whether you’re planning a vacation, trying to navigate your busy work schedule, or facing some unexpected circumstances, finding a pet sitter who is reliable and truly cares is super important.

In the guide below, we will share seven effective ways for you to find a good pet sitter. With these tips, you can ensure your furry friend receives the love and care they deserve while you’re away!

7. Seek Recommendations from Friends and Family

four dogs on leash in park
Image Credit: Matt Nelson on Unsplash

Personal recommendations from friends, family, or colleagues who have used a particular pet sitter can be seriously helpful. It can provide valuable insights into the sitter’s reliability, professionalism, and the level of care they offer. Knowing that someone you trust has had a great experience with a sitter can make you feel a lot more confident in your decision.

You should reach out to your network both online and in person to inquire about different experiences with pet sitters. You should ask specific questions about communication, punctuality, and the overall level of care their pets received with the sitter they’re recommending.

This is the best place to begin your search for a great pet sitter that suits your needs.

6. Read Online Reviews and Testimonials

woman sitting with dog on couch
Image Credit: Roberto Nickson on Unsplash

There are plenty of online platforms that provide a space for pet owners to share their experiences, good or bad, with specific pet sitters. Reading these reviews and testimonials can provide a far broader perspective on a specific sitter’s performance, reliability, and how satisfied their clients are.

Visit popular platforms for pet-sitting such as Rover, PetSitter.com, and Care.com to read reviews from other pet owners who have used the services of a particular sitter. Make sure you look for consistent positive feedback and pay close attention to concerns or issues mentioned.

This reliable research will help you make an informed decision when selecting a pet sitter.

5. Use Professional Pet-Sitting Organizations

woman snuggling cat on porch
Image Credit: Mel Elias on Unsplash

There are a lot of professional pet-sitting organizations out there. These organizations have really stringent standards for all of their members. When you choose to use a pet sitter associated with these organizations, you will be ensuring that the individual has received the right training to care for your pets, follows ethical guidelines, and is committed to providing your beloved pet with quality care.

Explore organizations, such as the National Association of Professional Pet Sitters (NAPPS) or Pet Sitters International (PSI). Their websites will usually have plenty of directories where you can search for qualified and certified pet sitters in your immediate area.

4. Interview Potential Sitters

tiny puppy asleep in someones arms
Image Credit: Freestocks on Unsplash

A face-to-face or virtual interview will allow you to speak directly to your potential pet sitter. You need to ask important questions, assess the sitter’s demeanor, and speak to them about your pets’ specific needs. This offers you an awesome chance to see if the sitter is truly knowledgeable, what their experience is, and whether your pet is going to feel comfortable in their presence.

You should consider preparing a list of different questions related to your pet’s diet, exercise needs, and behavioral issues, such as separation anxiety. Ask about the sitter’s experience with similar pets and what their plan is in case of emergency. Consider assessing their communication skills and if they meet your expectations.

Don’t be afraid to do background checks for an extra layer of security. This may seem extreme, but think about it: would you trust a stranger to enter your home?

3. Try a Meet and Greet

dog and cat snuggling together
Image Credit: Krista Mangulsone on Unsplash

A meet and greet is a really good idea, and a crucial step, when finding a reliable pet sitter. With a scheduled meet and greet, you can observe how the pet sitter interacts with your furry friend and if they are both comfortable and compatible. Dogs are a good judge of character, and sometimes, they can tell if someone will put their needs first.

The initial meeting will also help establish trust and comfort. Arrange the meeting in your home or a neutral location where your pet is calm. Observe how the sitter approaches your pet and interacts with them. If you’re comfortable, they can even go off on a walk together while you watch from a fair distance away.

2. Check for Certification and Insurance

person patting tabby and white cat
Image Credit: Yerlin Matu on Unsplash

Certified pet sitters often have to undergo pretty strenuous training in pet care, first aid, and CPR. Checking that the sitter is certified will ensure that they have all of the skills needed to handle various situations that could arise. On top of this, a reputable pet sitter should have insurance to protect them against unforeseen accidents.

Inquire about the sitter’s training, certifications, and whether they have been certified in pet CPR and first aid. Don’t be afraid to ask for any proof of insurance coverage to ensure that your pet and the sitter are protected in case of emergencies or accidents.

1. Try a Test Run

woman feeding small dog in coat a treat
Image Credit: Tamara Bellis on Unsplash

Consider a trial period to assess whether the pet sitter and your pet gel together and if the sitter is meeting your expectations. This is the perfect way to address your concerns before committing to a longer duration of care. Arrange a short-term engagement, such as a day or weekend, to see if things work out.

You can also use this time to evaluate if you are happy with the communication, adherence to instructions, and whether your pet is truly happy in the sitter’s care.

Patience Is Key to Finding a Pet Sitter

woman sitting beside brown dog watching sunset
Image Credit: Jamie Street on Unsplash

Choosing the right pet sitter is so important when it comes to responsible pet ownership. By consulting with your social network, reading online reviews, and arranging meet and greets, you can ensure that your pet gets the care and attention it truly deserves.

Finding a reliable pet sitter not only gives you complete peace of mind but also allows your pet to enjoy companionship while you’re away.

Nikita Hillier
byNikita Hillier

Nikita is a huge animal lover who has grown up on a farm with many different animals, from dogs and cats to horses and cows! She has a lot of experience in the equine industry and is even in the process of studying for an internationally accredited Equine Sports Massage Certificate! In her spare time, she enjoys writing and spending time with her beloved animals!