5 Benefits of Crate Training your Cat

When it comes to house training cats, there are various strategies people use, including crate training. Some people might be hesitant because they think crate training is exclusive to dogs.

Jun 17, 2023byElizabeth Brown

benefits crate training cat

The key difference between crate training a cat and a dog is that cats should be able to come and go from their crates as they please. In contrast, dogs are typically confined in their crates for long periods.

The best type of cat crate

woman holding pet carrier

The most popular cat crate is a pet carrier made of either plastic or fiberglass. It should be large enough to incorporate items such as a litter box, bedding, food, and water bowls. The ideal type of carrier should be able to break down into separate components for simple cleaning and maintenance. The significant advantage of using a cat carrier is that it allows the owner to move it to another location if required. This is particularly useful when house guests are allergic to cats. Here are the 5 benefits:

Litter box training

Crate training can also help cats that are reluctant to use the litter box. To start, put the litter box inside the crate with your cat so they can get used to it. Gradually move the litter box out of the crate until it’s in its normal location.

Reducing anxiety

If a cat experiences anxiety or stress, they may exhibit troubling behaviors such as scratching furniture, biting people, urinating or defecating outside the litter box, or excessive vocalization. Crate training can also help reduce anxiety in cats. The enclosed space of a crate can help calm an anxious cat and provide them with a sense of security. The crate can also be a place for your cat to hide during thunderstorms or other loud noises.

Providing a safe place

cat inside carrier

Keeping your cat in its crate will keep it from getting underfoot or running out the door when you have contractors working in your home. Crate-trained cats usually consider their crate their personal domain, while the rest of the house is a neutral space. If you ever want to adopt another cat, your cats are less likely to become aggressive with each other.

Traveling with your cat

Crate training can be very beneficial if you frequently travel with your cat. If they’re already crate-trained, it’ll be a fuss-free journey for both of you. Not only will it keep them safe and secure during the trip, but it will also make it much easier for you to transport them from one place to another. Your cat will relax knowing that it has its carrier to retreat to once you’ve arrived at your destination.

Emergency use

cat people vet clinic

Crate-trained cats will be better prepared to face situations that force them and their owners from the house, such as a natural disaster. Crate training your cat will also allow it to stay with you in an emergency shelter if pets are allowed. This is also especially helpful when needing to take your cat to the vet.

Crate training kittens

kittens inside carrier

Crate training is an excellent way to introduce your kitten to the concept of personal space. It will also help them understand what makes them feel safe and comfortable. It will be significantly simpler to crate train kittens than adults or seniors.

Kittens are naturally curious and seek out any area with soft bedding, water, and food. Once they discover the homeliness of their crate, kittens will quickly get used to going in and out of it. If you want your kittens to become well-behaved cats, crate train them while they’re young and impressionable. This will help the kitten learn that the crate is their own space and prevent them from scratching furniture or other areas in your home.

Crate training adult cats

cat blue carrier

If you have an adult cat that associates their carrier with going to the vet, you must be more patient when crate training them.

One way to get your cat accustomed to their carrier is by placing a beloved blanket or toy inside of it. If this doesn’t work, you can try breaking the carrier into smaller parts. Your cat will become accustomed to each part of the carrier one side at a time.

Put your cat’s food and water dish on the bottom of the carrier. After your cat is used to eating and drinking from there, you may slip in a side, then the top, and finally the door. Always give your cat a lot of praise when it is in or around the carrier.

Crate training your cat can help mitigate behavioral issues, such as spraying or going to the bathroom outside their litter box, as they age. It is important to remember that preventing cat problems is always more manageable and less expensive than trying to treat them. Even if your cat takes some time to warm up to their new home, they will come to appreciate it in the long run!

Overall, using a crate for your cat is an effective way to train them and keep them out of trouble.

Elizabeth Brown
byElizabeth Brown

Elizabeth has two big passions in life: animals and writing. She manages her own pet concierge company and is also a vet tech and freelance writer with over 15 years of experience. Elizabeth has a big heart for giant breed dogs, and she currently shares her home with a Boerboel, 5 demandingly cute cats, and a very talkative African Grey Parrot named Dude!